Tuesday, December 3, 2013

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Professional Development

Over the summer, I led a reading workshop professional development for one of our more prestigious schools in our district...Do you know what this does for my EGO!!!  Can you say  BOOST!  This is how I really do reading in my room.  It is a mixture of workshop and daily 5 and all the other structures for reading out there.  I call it literacy lounge and it works for me.  All my kids are reading or responding to text.  That is always my ultimate goal. 

Here is the presentation I led for that
A Week In the Life of a Reading Teacher

Click this link to get an idea of what my reading week looks like.  Structure and predictability is very important to my kiddos and me!!!

Thanks for being a reader!
Shearer-ly Sadler 4th Grade

Whole Brain Teaching Today...

Becky and I did our first real presentation as Best Friends Literacy today and I didn't even plug our site!  Can you believe this!!!  Oh well, we can't remember everything.

I don't think we intended this presentation today to be a literacy presentation but, it ended up this way.  She used whole brain to teach a part of speech and I used whole brain to teach the foundation for point of view!  It was awesome to say the least!  Our staff was an awesome audience and made us feel REALLY comfortable!  We have away prizes to my store and had some laughs!  It is nice when you have a receptive staff and encouraging leadership!  Shearer Elementary is a wonderful place!

Here is the presentation!!!

Thanks for being a reader!
tobi :)